Food Not Bombs Macomb Illinois Chapter

We are Food Not Bombs Macomb. Every community faces issues with hunger and we are trying to do our part to address that. Everyday businesses throw out perfectly good food that could have been used to feed someone. The money spent by the world on weapons in one week is enough to feed all the people on Earth for one year. When millions of people go hungry each day how can we spend another dollar on war? Every 10 seconds a child dies from hunger and poor nutrition. If you feel that people need food more than bombs then we invite you to contact us today. The next few years could profoundly change the world for generations and Food Not Bombs is working to make these changes positive for everyone. We are an all volunteer movement with autonomous groups active all over the world and we welcome your help.

Food Not Bombs Macomb is organizing several projects in our community:

We invite you to work with us to provide desperately needed services and information to our community. You can make a difference!

Check out our Zine Catalog!

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